Obedience is the joy not the burden that Jesus would teach us.
“You will abide in my love if you keep my commandments. I tell you these things so that my joy may be in you and your joy made full.” Jesus
It is often my struggle to comply that teaches me the absolute wisdom that I do so. If I find obedience to God's will a burden this only persuades me that obedience is my best course of action. Think about it. Most of the things that are good for us are things that we find a burden to do—at least at first. Eating right, exercise, moderation, saying no to certain fleshly appetites are all points of struggle within us simply because we know we should be doing them and aren't. It is when we finally cross over and do them that we will discover the joy of obedience. Finding joy in obedience is learning to dance to rhythm of righteousness. 10/18/11 Conversations Within ts (Camp Farrington, AL)