“It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out.” Proverbs 25 ESV
Somewhere there is a fine line that defines when it is proper to confess our shortcomings to others and when to keep our sins to ourselves. Certainly if I have wronged someone I need to go to them and ask forgiveness. But on the whole it is probably best to keep private matters private. “Airing my dirty laundry,” encourages no one except gossips and airing others peoples dirty laundry is never appropriate. But if my laundry has been washed and I mean washed in the good old Christian sense of the word, then by all means wear it. People are encouraged when they see a sinner turned saint if for no other reason than it give us hope that we too may be forgiven and changed. Some of the most powerful stories are those of drug dealers, prostitutes, alcoholics and bad husbands, who after coming to Christ, have experienced a wonderful transformation. 10/25/2010 Conversations Within ts (Gunterhill)