“For I have given you an example that you also should do just as I have done to you.” Jo.13 ESV
The other day I wanted to point out to my wife something I felt that she was doing that wasn't very respectful. I of course, mean very respectful to me. Before I could say anything to her, the Spirit brought two things to mind. First, He reminded me that I too have been disrespectful to my wife. He also reminded me that I talk too much and that perhaps the best way I could serve my wife would be to lead by example. This started me thinking not only about how to show respect to my wife, but the whole idea teaching without using words, as if this shouldn't be obvious to a follower of Christ. Duh! On the whole, I am thinking example is the best way for followers of Jesus to carry his message to the nations, especially in our televangelist and talk show culture. We talk too much. 10/9/2010 Conversations Within ts (Cold Mountain)