“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” John 8 KJV
Recently the news reported the suicides of “several young people who were bullied and taunted for being gay.” We are no doubt a conflicted society and such stories are sad beyond description. What is equally sad, is that Christians often have a double standard about homosexual behavior and our own short comings. All sin is a perversion of what God desires for His children, my sins no less. And it should be said that persecution is always wrong. People who persecute people for being gay do not understand the nature of their own sins nor nature of grace to to cease condemnation. And while this is certainly tragic, it should also be said that people who persecute Christians for their beliefs about same sex relations are just as wrong. Holding to ones moral code does not make you a bigot, but failing to love those who do not share it, does. 10/21/2010 Conversations Within ts (Gunterhill)