But Jesus answered them, "You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God.”
One cannot be a disciple of Jesus and not be a disciple of the Scriptures—at least not a good disciple. Jesus taught from the Scriptures, obeyed their teachings, appealed to them as the authoritative word of God, told us that one purpose of His life was to fulfill them and said that they would remain until heaven and earth passed away. He also commissioned His apostles to give us the New Testament and for two thousand years followers of Christ have been disciples of the Book even if faltering ones. Any serious disciple of Jesus might as well make up their mind that to follow Jesus is to reverence the Bible as God's word, even if we struggle with some of its passages. The good news is that Jesus promises, in the Scriptures of course, to lead us, and feed us from them. He does not leave us to figure it out on our own. 10/19/2010 Conversations Within ts (Gunterhill)