“Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered.” Prov.28 ESV
It is one thing to value my right to private judgment and another to trust it. No doubt I have blind spots and biases that skew my view of reality. Wisdom teaches us to listen to what my dad's generation called “common sense.” It was common because it was collectively shared by good ole common folk and past down from generation to generation. A good question before embarking on some new journey might be, 'Is this good common sense.” But, not all common sense is good. When the good has been taken out of common sense and is replaced by camaraderie of relativism, where nothing is really right or wrong, it may be wise to seek the wisdom of a wiser generation. The trick seems to be knowing when to venture out and when to seek the safety of traditional shores. But even the pioneers have the collective wisdom of other pioneers before them. 9/28/2010 Conversations Within ts (Watson Mill)