“The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” Ecclesiastes 12 ESV
How would I summarize the purpose of life? I suppose from a Christian point of view there are many ways to put it but to me all of them boil down to the same thing. Is there any difference in fearing God, loving God, glorifying Him even enjoying Him? In my mind, not really. Each looks at a facet of the same diamond. Some may wonder how fearing God and loving God have anything to do with one another. I think the wisest man was referring to the fear of respect and awe rather than the fear of dread and terror. I love my father, I can also properly say I fear him. The purpose of life in my mind it to wake to the reality of God and to know my duty as a creature made in His image and to see my duty mature to delight as I come to enjoy all He desires to be for me in life. 10/29/2010 Conversations Within ts (Gunterhill)