Reason is our soul's left hand, Faith her right. John Donne
“Where is your faith?" Lk.8 ESV
It seems reasonable to me to believe the eye witness testimony of hundreds of people when they say they witnessed a dead man get up and walk. This is especially true when these people give me no reason to question either their sanity or their honesty. I generally read and believe what is reported in the news and with far less reason than believing the testimony of these first century Christians. When I look at the world ,it makes far more sense to me to believe in Intelligent design than to believe that life came from non-life or that the complex mechanisms of the universe are the result of random chance. Some people choose a blind faith but not all faith is blind. I believe in creation as I believe in the second law of thermodynamics. I believe in the resurrection as I believe that men walked on the moon. A wise faith is rooted in space and time not religious fanaticism. 11/22/2010 Conversations Within ts (Between, Ga)