“I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Phil.3 ESV
Certainly one goal I can set for myself is to answer the upward call. The call is always upward. God's call would lead me up the slopes of living for something greater than myself, to ascend by rising above selfishness and to mature beyond some animal instinct for survival. I believe the upward call rings in every person. It is that desire to be better than you are, especially where people are concerned. The message of Jesus is that we can live as sons and daughters of the Most High. He invites us to dwell on high with Him, to breathe the celestial air of divine purpose and divine love. Every goal I might set myself, for my health, my career, my family can be altered by this upward path. If I am not ascending this divine life I am going no where. “Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither.” C.S. Lewis 11/11/2010 Conversations Within ts (Chapel Hill NC)