“And there came a voice to him: "Rise, Peter; kill and eat." Acts 10 (When God decided to lift the ban on bacon.)
Ever wonder why God didn't make carrots taste like bacon? I have a couple of thoughts on it. I think one reason He didn't may be to communicate that the present world is sort of turned upside down, obviously because of our rebellion and that things as they presently exist are not what He intends for us. I also think that He is telling us that in our present state, we must often acquire a taste for things which are good for us seeing that we want so many things bad for us. Bacon gives me hope that there is a new place where nothing I desire will be bad for me. Why? Simply because I will be different and want nothing that is bad for me. It may just be that bacon is bacon and will always need to be eaten in moderation and in glory we will be moderate creatures rather than gluttons. Last, if God can make something that tastes as great as bacon I can't wait to see what is in store for us in the new world. 11/4/2010 Conversations Within ts (Chapel Hill NC)