“like irrational animals, creatures of instinct...” 2Pt.2
The simple adage, “Aim at nothing and you will hit it every time,” makes the pointed observation that if we don’t live our lives on purpose there will be no positive focus to our lives. A casual glance at creation reveals that every living thing is born with drive even if it is only animal instinct. But people who are made in the image of God are designed for something more than life as a mere animal. No doubt that Adam’s body was taken from earth and that he shares that kinship with animals but he was also made a living soul, a spiritual creature. To be an image bearer is to rise above the mere instinctive drive to eat, drink, survive and reproduce. What is tragic it that many of us never discover what it means to be made in the in the image of God. Christ became one of us that we might grow up into Him and discover our full potential. Certainly every Einstein, Mozart, Michael Jordon or Mother Theresa gives us a glimpse of our potential as image bearers. But once set free from earthly bonds, what we shall become is best witnessed in Jesus. 11/7/2010 Conversations Within ts (Chapel Hill NC)