...This is not coincidence.” Erma Bombeck
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever. Ps.136 ESV
For some, life is all about chance, mere coincidence. Even the Good Book observes that time and chance happen to everything and everyone under the sun. Coincidences certainly happen. But when does coincidence stop being mere coincidence. Is it mere chance that the earth is the perfect distance from the sun, that our atmosphere is perfectly balanced to sustain life? Can time plus chance really explain the complexity of life on our planet or the events of my life that matter? I think not. How many buckets of paint would I have to spill to reproduce a copy of the Mono Lisa? How long would I have to shake a box of Lincoln Logs to open it and find a perfectly assembled miniature log cabin. How many print shops would I have to explode to reproduce on paper the simple sentence.“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Some things just can't be explained by mere chance. 11/19/2010 Conversations Within ts (Between, Ga)