“ For it is not you who speak but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.” Mk.10 ESV
I think everyone's life is their message. Some people have more to say than others. Some have nothing much to say at all except perhaps, “Don't live as I have lived.” I think most people want what they say to match up with what they do. After all who likes a hypocrite? We would be consistent at least in that. But what value is being consistent if my life and and my words are consistently without value. I do not always want my life to match my words if my words are wrong. I have said some pretty stupid things. I don't I don't want my words to match my life if the way I am living is wrong. Perhaps if His words become my words and I live by them, then my message will be His message and I will at last say something of value. I suppose this is why He is called“the Word.”11/16/2010 Conversations Within ts (Augusta, GA)