“In Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them.” 2Cor.5
Most of us do not need a new word from God but only to live by the words He has already spoken. Most of us already know what we are supposed to do. What is lacking is doing it. Now the good news is that Jesus has paid the penalty for our disobedience and God has graciously forgiven all who trust this. But this does not negate our need for obedience. Grace has come precisely to assist us in it. The Christian message is somewhat like this. God has given all who look to Jesus an “A” for our required course in righteous living. He has done this so that we may study righteousness without the fear of receiving a failing grade. He hasn't given us an “A” so we can skip class and pursue our selfish interests. He removes the pressure of making a passing grade so that we may be free to enjoy the pursuits of righteousness. Christians don't try to live right to earn the eternal state. We seek to acquire a taste for the only food being served there. 11/2/2010 Conversations Within ts (Between)