“It is good for people to eat, drink, and enjoy their work...” Ecc.5 NLT
One of life's simple pleasures is the enjoyment of work, well maybe. People often talk as if they hate going to work. I suppose people feel this way if work is viewed as cursed toil. This is easy to do if we accept Adam's story. But this view of work fails to take into account that Christ has come to redeem our lives including the work of our hands. In Him all labor becomes of means of enjoyment, an offering to God, one expression of a fruitful and abundant life. He turns work into play, duty into delight and gives eternal meaning to our time on the clock. Such transformation isn't to be found in what we do as it is in what we become not in our work conditions but the condition of our heart. 11/9/2010 Conversations Within ts (Chapel Hill NC)