“I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Phil.3 ESV
If I remember right, the notion of living forever was the first positive thing that attracted me about becoming a Christian. That my sins were forgiven, or the idea of missing eternal damnation was more a relief but living forever, well, that was something to get excited about. I am pretty sure I didn't realize it at the time but getting me ready to appreciate all it means to live forever is part of the package that Jesus offers. It didn't take long to realize that God wasn't going to turn me lose on the shores of eternity and leave me alone but that He has every intention to transform me into something different . It takes some getting used to to realize that your destiny isn't just going to Heaven or a change of geography so much as it is to become a genuine Son of God. All I can say it that it is something like being adopted into a royal family. Realizing that you will spend your life with royals tends to make you want to sit-up straighter. 11/10/2010 Conversations Within ts (Chapel Hill NC)