Then Elisha prayed and said, "O LORD, please open his eyes that he may see." 2Kg.6 ESV
Most of the people I talk with believe that there is intelligent life scattered in the universe. Even more interesting is that just about everybody accepts that there is life outside the universe. By that I mean supernatural life, i.e. God, angels, demons even loved ones who have transitioned. One definition of a miracle is any event that cannot be explained by the laws of nature and therefore deemed to have a supernatural origin. If there are supernatural events, events outside the physical universe then there is surely more to this life than just this life. I believe in miracles because I believe in God not vise-versa. Technically speaking, if you believe that God created the universe, everything is a miracle, because everything would have a supernatural origin. My life as a Christian is waking me to behold God's hand in natural processes like gravity. Most people would say that if they saw a person truly levitate, not some magic trick mind you, but to really defy gravity they would call it a miracle. Surely it is a blessed faith to also see that it is God's hand using gravity to hold our feet to the ground. 11/5/2010 Conversations Within ts (Chapel Hill NC)