"Be still, and know that I am God.” Ps.46 ESV (Doc's driveway)
Plato said that the unexamined life is not worth living and who in these hurried and overbooked days sits still long enough to do it. Each in their own way must give priority to coming to the quiet, to remind ourselves and be reminded that God is the center. Until we do this we will continue to be as Bilbo Baggins put it, “too little butter spread over too much toast.” But consider the simple value of sitting still, resting the body and spirit. The Maker invites us to bask in the rays of the Son, to feel the warmth of His favor, the light of His direction, the energy of His life coursing in us. Be still! Cease all movement! Quiet the soul. Shush every distracting thought. And then in quiet repose open your eyes and behold that God is God, that He is in Heaven and that earth and everything in it is His footstool. 8/25/2010 Conversations Within ts