“Greet one another with a holy kiss.” 2Co.13 ESV
Recently I was speaking with a fellow camper as we both packed up to go our separate ways. As the conversation drew to a close he said, “God’s blessings and Jesus loves you.” I was glad He spoke so freely about his faith in Christ. I had already offered our brief visit up in a whispered prayer to the one who arranges everything. His benediction moved us to speak our mutual faith a while longer.
Dolly Pardon is credited with saying, “Whatever you do, do it on purpose.” I suppose greeting people should be included in this. Instead of a perfunctory, “Hello,” or “goodbye,” every meeting is as opportunity to give a blessing to someone, if only in a genuine kind word. However we chose to convey it, people generally know and appreciate a kindness when it is given. May you live all the days of your life and may you live forever in the peace of Jesus. 8/4/2010 Conversations Within ts