“Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Col.1 ESV
Do Christians try to copy Christ, or is it something more. Actually, we do try to copy Him, at least at first. After a while we begin to realize it is something more, more than we could have imagined. We discover that Christ is actually living in us--His very presence, His very life becoming one with ours. Children often pretend to be like their father or mother, then one day the pretending stops and we actually become fathers or mothers. As His life grows in us, we stop the pretending. There will no need for it. We will be like Him because He has made us so. For now all that is left is to play grown up, that is, until we actually are all grown up, grown up into Him. Lord help us as we play make believe, until we actually do believe. 8/5/2010 Conversations Within ts