“If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.”
Rom.12 ESV
One popular bumper floating around these days is the word “Coexist,” spelled out using the symbols of various world religions. At first, I thought about getting one until I realized what it would require of me. Recently, it was reported that one country had hanged a seven-year-old boy for being a spy. I am quite certain that I do not want to coexist with that. Nor do I want to coexist with governments that commit genocide against their own civilian population? I am also certain that I do not want to coexist with misguided Christians who persecute people of a different faith or people of no faith. I’m not even sure I want to coexist with myself at least in my unchanged state. The question is what to do about it. Work for change of course. The how is just as important as the why? We can start by cooperating with the changes Christ is working in us, and then as Gandhi said, “Be the change you would see in the world.” 7/31/2010 Conversations Within ts