“Speak your mind. Don't let anyone censor you… You have to express yourself no matter what anyone else thinks about it.” Quotes from Teenagers
“The vexation of a fool is known at once, but the prudent ignores an insult.” Pr.12 ESV
I tend to wear my emotions on my sleeve. What this means is that people around me are never at a loss about how I am feeling. This is neither good nor desirable, though some might take it as a form of sincerity. Truly some books are private and should not be left open for others to read. To always spill your inner thoughts reflects poor self-discipline. I have never had a problem speaking my mind but this means when I am angry I often spew it out on whoever is around. When I don’t feel good, I tell you about it. This not only reflects poor self-discipline it reveals that the arrow of my concern is often pointed the wrong direction. Instead of telling people how I feel I might try asking them how they feel. Instead of spewing out my feelings, I might try soothing the frustrations of others. Instead of expressing my vexations, I should try to get over myself and start thinking about those around me. 8/12/2010 Conversations Within ts