“You shall not worship the LORD your God in that way.” Dt.12 ESV
Everyday life teaches us that there is a right and wrong way to do things. Who would open a soda can upside down. It seems ludicrous that people rebel against the idea that the there is a right and wrong way to approach God--especially after He tells there is. Today people insist that there are many roads to Him and that Jesus is just one of those roads. Of course Jesus did not believe this and told us in no uncertain terms that no one can come to God unless we come through Him. Our “do it your own way” society doesn't approve such a narrow road (pun intended)). I think this is exactly why Jesus preached repentance. In effect He is saying we must surrender our ideas, our own approach to life and adopt His. But to do that, we must admit that we are wrong and that is so very hard on our pride. 8/13/2010 Conversations Within ts