“Enoch walked with God...” Gen.5
How much of my day do I really walk with You? Oh, I talk to You all the time; I pray for people, mumble, complain, ask questions even question You, but do I walk with You. I know You walk with me. I enjoy our conversations but I seem to forget what we talk about almost as soon as start to do something. It is so much easier to busy myself with “ministry” than to really walk with You. Sometimes I get the impression that You are following me around in stead of me following You and maybe that's some of it. Maybe walking with You is just that, aware that Your walking with me, I mean really awake to it, wanting to bless what I'm doing or wanting me to do those things You bless. Whatever, let me wake then, wake to your company, your partnership and then perhaps I will experience more of what it means to walk with You. 8/30/2010 Conversations Within ts