“The LORD is near to the brokenhearted...” Ps.34 ESV
What breaks my heart? The first thing that comes to mind, is the possibility that people who possess such capacity for love and for beauty and depth of feeling might perish and never know the God who loves them and made them. I am somewhat driven by that one. Another thing that breaks my heart is of course human suffering--starving children, people who are lonely or afraid or have no sense of purpose or direction. This heartbreak spills over for animals who suffer, especially when I know that they are suffering not because of something they did but because we have sinned against our Creator. One thing that should break my heart but doesn't as much as it should are my personal sins. Even when I have remorse about some sin I have committed, I think I am more disappointed at my failure, my wounded pride than I am over the fact that I have betrayed God. But every time my heart is broken I not only know the Lord is near me, I sense that my heart is breaking because He dwells there. It is His anguish that I am feeling and somehow His broken heart flows over into mine. 9/14/2010 Conversations Within ts