“For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.” Rom.7 ESV
Who hasn't felt the weight of these words? I am not the man I would like to be; I am most days someone I do not like. And, I wonder if this will ever change...if I will die still unable to to rule passions which always seem to get the best of me. But what is there to do but to crawl like a worm till I am cocooned in death.Jesus, thou hast made the grave but a chrysalis. Undeniably there is the seed of hope in me that I will one day be raised winged beauty, transformed into the likeness of the firstborn from the dead. It is this in between stage that bugs me. Pardon the pun Lord. Pardon also this man that I am and let us press on and finish what you started. 9/27/2010 Conversations Within ts (Watson Mill)