“The LORD is my light and my salvation...”Ps.27 ESV
What is light but the power to see and the ability to see truth is certainly a gift of God. All that is true and false, right and wrong have long been established by Him. Our powers of reason, our intellectual prowess, or educational background are no substitute for God's Divine light and the person who has it, is blessed beyond measure. Truth is not determined by society, or personal whims or by the traditions of men. Truth is a person. All that is true is a mere extension of God's life expressed in the spiritual and physical world. Of all the miracles of Jesus, the healing of the blind teaches us not only that He is the truth, but He gives us to power to see it and believe it. We are all born spiritually blind and until Jesus touches our eyes we walk in darkness but light floods the soul when He does. 9/13/2010 Conversations Within ts