“...so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ.” Phil.1 ESV
If I really want to live my life in such as manner that it pleases God, I can only hope that God approves of the same activities and attitudes that I approve. Most Christians look to the Scriptures for guidance in this. But the Bible doesn't provide us an exhaustive list of approved and unapproved behavior. Oh, there are things clearly forbidden in God's Word just as there are things clearly approved. But there are many things not mentioned in the Bible and one may wonder, “What do I do now?” Not to worry, we are left with what should be an obvious option. Ask Him. What prevents us from asking God to make His will clear when we wonder about something. The Scriptures also give us the guideline that whatever is not of faith is sin. It would seem then a good rule that when I have doubts about doing something don't do it. We can always ask and wait for God to make the matter clear. The hard part is not only waiting till He makes it clear but clearing the heart of any attitude except to do what He wants when He does. 9/2/2010 Conversations Within ts