“Now the rest of the acts of Solomon, and all that he did, and his wisdom, are they not written in the Book of the Acts of Solomon?” 1Kings. 11 ESV
I heard an interesting thought the other day, one that I thought worth pursuing. If my life were made into a story or a movie would it be interesting enough to follow? Another way of putting it. Am I living a remarkable life? Now I confess that this kind of thinking can be dangerous. It could set one off on some egotistical journey caught up in self-glory or fame. Such a life would hardly have value except perhaps as an example of one to avoid. But some people try to be remarkable, some are remarkable. There is a difference in calling attention to yourself and living a glorious life. When we consider the value of life, the sheer privilege of being alive, an endowment graciously bestowed by God, I should think it worthwhile to live each day gloriously. And, since nothing there is no glory to be compared to God's glory the truly glorious life is one that reflects the simple enjoyment of His. To value the value of God I think is the first step in living a valuable life. 8/23/2010 Conversations Within ts