“the LORD is good! Ps.34 ESV
God is everywhere this very day delighting in His goodness. He invites us to celebrate it with Him, to taste and see that He is good, to feast at the buffet of a million beautiful sights and sounds, and readily drink deep droughts from the all that He has made. What worlds the Father has made for us to romp and stomp and play in. But some will protest, “What about the evils of the world, human suffering, war, disease? What do these say of His goodness? How can a good God permit such?” Well He does permit them even if He did not cause them . But even here we can behold a good God working great good in a fallen world even using the very creatures who brought evil into it. Haven't we witnessed immeasurable beauty in every compassionate act when people feed a starving child, or in the sacrifices of soldiers dying to free others, or in someones struggle to overcome cancer even grow from the experience. And what of people uniting to save a stranded whale or who drive hundreds of miles to help perfect strangers rebuild homes destroyed by a storm. It is the goodness of God to invent the story line of a million tales told in man's struggle to forge meaning out of chaos and to seek good in face of evil. It is against the backdrop of this darkness that Goodness is painting strokes of light even beauty. 9/14/2010 Conversations Within ts