“How precious to me are your thoughts, God!” Ps. 139
I am sometimes tempted to say that it means nothing that God thinks about me where protection is concerned, at least in one sense. Experience tell me that Christians suffer, get sick, die. I know children of believers who have died in auto accidents, one who was raped and others that who were brutally murdered. Where is God's protection in this? The usual answer says that in Glory every suffering will be given meaning. What most of us want is the reassurance that it means something here and now. But, even here and now I understand suffering is necessary in a fallen world. Isn't childbirth more than the pain associated with it. The joy of the child when it is born gives meaning to all of the pain. If this is true here and now then why not believe that all sufferings are necessary for the Glory that is being born in us. All I can say is for now is that we are still in labor. Conversations Within ts 1/14/2012 (Jacksonville. Fl)