“Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing...” Peter (who once chopped off the ear of a officer who came to arrest Jesus)
A few years ago an entertainer who won an award told the crowd that God had nothing to do with their accomplishment and then proceeded to insult Jesus with some base derogatory comment. The response of some Christians was interesting. The next day I received emails calling believers to boycott her movies. My first thought was, How does this response practice turning the other cheek as Jesus instructed his followers to do. I think sometimes it is the great privilege of Christians to turn not only our own cheek but also Jesus' cheek for Him and show kindness in the face of criticism. I have found that many people who speak against Christ are really speaking against Christians who have poorly represented what He taught us to do. Conversations Within ts 1/19/2012 (Birmingham, AL)