"If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic.” Jesus
There are moments in every relationship when you can stand up for your rights or willfully put them aside for a greater good? Jesus taught us to lay aside personal rights if it will put us in a better position to love our neighbor even if our neighbor happens to be a thief. Pretty radical uh? “If someone takes your coat, Give him your shirt as well.” Did Jesus really mean this? Well no one can accuse Him of not practicing His own radical teachings. Love is after all a radical response to a selfish world. Am I willing to turn the other cheek when insulted, forgive when wronged and respond graciously when criticized? If I stand up for my rights I may keep my shirt but miss an opportunity the turn a thief into a friend. Do people live this way any more? Conversations Within ts 1/16/2012 (Camp Farrington, AL)