“But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?” 1 Jo.3 ESV
If I do not make a proper peace with something or someone it is doubtful that I will feel a proper peace in my heart. I say proper because it is possible to pursue an improper peace. For example, I may be disturbed by the plight of the poor in Africa and want to do something about it. It is possible to unplug these concerns by simply pushing them out of my mind but this is making peace with my feelings and not with the problem. I can do the same thing with a person with whom I am out of sorts. If all I do is want to feel good I have made a god out of my feelings and care nothing for righting what is wrong. 12/30/11 Conversations Within ts (Jacksonville, FL)